Joystick Setup

This page will help most newbie and some old timers get there joystick settings in Aces Hi up to par. Please pay special attention to the damping sliders. The dead band works with the upper blue box on the left to stop stick spiking. Make sure you have the dead band up just hi enough to steady the line in the center of the blue box. If this line isn't steady and has spikes your plane performace will suffer as well as your flying.

I recommend this page to all Airwarrior III Pilots. Fact being ,that most aw3'ers have more stick movement in there game play than needed in Aces Hi. Please don't take this to heart this is not a set standard. Stick scalings will depend a LOT on what plane you fly, what machine you use, what joystick etc. Most importantly, it will depend on your personal preferences. Take something like this as a starting point, but play around with it. Try different things and test until you find something that helps you out. I use the B&Z attack most of the time and the controls might feel alittle unresponsive to some. Fool around with the setting and get the feel you want.

One note before you start looking at the pics. It might be helpful to know what joystick setup i use for Ace Hi. I prefer the CH Products setup due to the many buttons it offers. CH F-16 Fighter stick,Pro THrottle, Pro Pedals.

If you want to try these out and dont want to loose your old settings you can follow these simple instructions that will allow you to restore your old settings if you dont like the new ones.

1: Go to C:/programfiles/HTC/Aces HI/settings.... and rename your "stick.cfg" file to stick1.cfg.

2: Then put this stick.cfg file in the C:/programfiles/HTC/Aces HI/settings folder.

3: Take a couple test flights to see what you think of the settings.

4: If you decide you dont like the setting just delete the C:/programfiles/HTC/Aces HI/settings/stick.cfg file.

5: Rename "stick1.cfg" back to "stick.cfg" and you will have your old setting restored.

Yaw Setup

Pitch Setup

Roll Setup